
Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello, dear viewers! Just dropping in to wish you all a very wonderful Thanksgiving!

Why, yes, this is the only fall-related picture I can find.

UPDATE: I promise, I will be updating more frequently. I promised myself I'd watch The Little Mermaid before Sunday, and hopefully a Tangled review will be coming soon.


Long time, no post.

Well, school has started, and you know what that means...I actually am kind of busy. But here's something for you to look forward to, fans: I recently got a Mac, and I promised myself that when I got a webcam, I would start making vlogs to post here. Most likely, I will have one for you within the next month.


Photoshoot: Sadie

Sadie was wearing the costume Natalie wore WHEN SHE PLAYED VALDIS FOR ME, so naturally she stole Nat's pose.

Isn't she cute?

Then Natalie came outside and started bugging her.

I don't know what she was going for here.

I growled at her (just...don't even ask) so she growled back.

 Sticking her tongue out at Nat.

And Natalie did the same.


Words cannot even describe.



This is a weird little thing that's I randomly thought of (which will probably not benefit anyone, like, ever)

Currently I am...
Listening to "I'm Ready" by Jack's Mannequin (what a great way to start this).
Thinking about what clay creations to make.
Looking at the 50+ bottlecaps knowing I should work on them.
Wanting to find somewhere take pictures of Buzz Lightyear.
Wondering when I'll be not-so-lazy in order to finish my cousin's alphabet book.
Thinking about how realistic my deadline is for it at the rate I'm going.
Also wanting my mom to take the film on my camp camera to get it developed.
And wanting to go to the antique store.
And I want to move already. Well, kinda. I just want a new room.

Hm. I need more inspiration.



I like how I can totally talk about summer in the last post, but now I'm talking about Halloween. Anyway, here's a MTOTP update!

I'm getting so excited for MTOTP. Granted, it's like $20 more this year since we need to go on the weekend for my dad to come, but it will be totally worth it.

And since I don't believe I've shared who my group will include, here's a list of that for you:
  • Me as Charlotte. Obviously.
  • Princess Tiana (in the blue dress)
  • Belle
  • Gaston
  • Megara
  • Esmeralda
  • Mickey
  • Minnie
  • Baby Mouse (Mia)
  • Lillian Gracey O'Malley, a.k.a. Tightrope Girl from Haunted Mansion
Needless to say, our group will be awesome.



I've had to urge to blog for a few days now, but at the same time, I have no idea what to write about. A strange combination, if I do say so myself.

At the moment, I still want to be creative. But in my mind, I don't know what to do. Painting things for my cousin sounds boring, I don't want to swim, and I have no skin tone for clay people. I want to occupy myself with something productive, but I have no idea what I want to do.

Hopefully sometime soon me and my grandmother can go and get fabric for Halloween. That's the only thing that sounds remotely interesting.


"Hey, I have a hat. I'm ready for life."

May 16, 2010

Line for Toy Story after rope drop = CRAZY.

Nat's new Haunted Mansion hat...

The duck was snackin' on some popcorn.



June 28, 2010

I look almost tan! It's an optical illusion.

Because all paint pours perfectly down.


It doesn't look awful during the day...but it's definitely not amazing.

Glad that guy's shirt matches.

I was Mulan...

Sam was Cinderella...

And Courtney was Mrs. Potts.

The ceiling of Ursula's grotto.

MY BABY! A new little Vinylmation key chain.

I love the Disney gallery.

I would love to make something like this.

I think this looks so strange.

Thanks for finally catching on to MY IDEA, Disney. And by "catching on," I really mean "basically stealing."
But seriously, I was really upset when I saw these.

Sam has a hat. So she's ready for life.

Me and Sam have Vans! And I apparently have one leg.

My mom was not a fan.

My AWESOME view of World of Color.
Totally sarcastic. I said we didn't need to see it...but I totally wanted to.

Tried to get a nice shot with some fireworks. It kinda worked.