
A Year in Review: 2009

The year of 2009 has probably been the most memorable year of my life. While, at times, it wasn't exactly what I would've wanted, we've managed to look past that and move on. With that, I bring you...

  • I moved to Mississippi.
  • I made my first mini-hat.
  • I went to Vicksburg.
  • I ate at Cracker Barrel.
  • Someone liked me.
  • I hated Mississippi.
  • I got a snowcone.
  • I experienced the most awful weather of my entire life.
  • I realized that Jack's Mannequin is awesome.
  • I drove with my mother and two dogs from Mississippi to Southern California.
  • I attended a wedding for the first time in 10 years.
  • I went to the beach and got sunburned.
  • I went to Disneyland with my best friend.
  • I had pictures taken of me by a creeper.
  • My mini-hats got complimented by the Mad Hatter himself on multiple occasions.
  • I got my annual pass back.
  • I started going to an awesome church called Sandals.
  • I had my dogs move away from me.
  • I went to a homecoming dance that was not my own, wearing a dress from the 80's.
  • I got my braces taken off.
  • I got a new iPod.
  • I went to Disney's California Adventure dressed as the Queen of Hearts.
  • Then, on my birthday, I was recognized as the Queen of Hearts.
  • I saw Jack and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
  • I went to Disneyland with my childhood best friends.
  • I ate Thanksgiving dinner on Black Friday.
  • I got an 18 inch, pink Christmas tree.
  • I held a mystery dinner.
  • I went to Seattle and had Nazra take awesome pictures of me.
  • I saw my newest cousins.
  • I realized I have the most wonderful family.
Like I said, my current circumstances are not ideal, nor have they ever been this year. I thank God that we have such a wonderful family that is helping us in our time of need.


The Princess and the Frog, "babycakes."

Today I saw "The Princess and the Frog." Here's what I have to say about it.
Firt of all, the outfits were amazing. I'm a huge fan of the 1920's fashion, so I was basically in heaven. Tiana and Charlotte's hairstyles are so cute - especially when short. Naveen looked sharp in his street clothes.

Going into the theater, I was really looking forward to it, although my mother told me it got awful reviews from Christians due to the voodoo.

Overall, I though it was a really cute movie. It started out great, in the middle it was a little bit boring, but the end was awesome. Tiana and Naveen are absolutely precious, Dr. Facilier was wicked, Charlotte is hilarious, and Louis and Ray were awesome. I gotta say, one of my favorite parts was when Louis had the flashback about when he tried to play with the humans.

Although I loved it, I felt that some things were not necessarily rated G. They'd probably go over most kids' heads, but still.

Once again, I feel the need to say that Tiana and Naveen are absolutely precious.

Changing gears, how come most all the princess don't have both parents? Mulan and Aurora are the only girls with both. Food for thought, there.



Before we get started on this whole "blog" thing, I figure I should share a little bit about myself.

I am currently 15 years of age, and crafting and Disney are my two loves in life. In order to combine these two I spend my days making Disney-related items such as miniature hats and t-shirts.

This blog was mainly created for the purpose of displaying my creations with the world. I believe that there are other people who share the same loves as me.

In addition to Disney, I also like other things. Reading, surfing the web, music, baking...all of those are more of my favorite hobbies. So, if you like peanut butter cookies and Jack's Mannequin, we can be friends forever.

So, with that, let's get this blog running!